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Work method

A Gold Standard

Once the goldsmith's parenthesis was closed, the methodologies and precision were transferred into the world of plastics. We prioritize customer satisfaction and we try to establish unique collaborative relationships with each customer. The FESP method is tested according to the complexity of the order and in relation to the final application.

This allows us to provide the customer with the maximum degree of flexibility, inventiveness, precision and punctuality. Our commitment is total, ensuring that the customer is delivered a perfect mold and all the necessary documentations for a successful test.

The FESP method: 5 phases where nothing is left to chance.


01 Feasibility study

02 Design development

03 Preliminary analyses

04 Rapid prototyping


01 Data collection

02 Evaluation

03 3D study

04 Software

Mold making

01 Mold construction

02 Product sectors

Quality control
and testing

01 Testing

02Filling analysis

03 Molding cycle

04 Dimensional control

Additional services

01 After-sales assistance

02 Maintenance

03 Replacement components

04 Prototype molds for short runs


Quality Management System
Iso 9001 is the world’s best known quality management standard for companies and organizations. The ISO 9000 series, developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), outlines universal guidelines for implementing a quality management system, aiming to enhance business processes and customer satisfaction.

Applicable across sectors and organizational sizes, these standards provide generic principles to ensure effective control over production processes.

What are the benefits

  • High level of quality
  • Improved Process
  • Increased efficiency
  • Improved customer satisfaction
  • Improved supplier relationships
  • Improved employee morale

Amaplast is an Italian trade association representing companies in the plastics and rubber processing machinery and molds industry. Amaplast provides support to its member companies and promotes the interests of the industry both domestically and internationally.

Our partnership with Amaplast
At FESP MOLD SRL, we are proud to be a member of Amaplast. Partnering with Amaplast holds immense significance for us, as it aligns with our commitment to excellence and innovation in the mold making sector.

Why is Amaplast important?

  1. Industry Leadership: By being associated with Amaplast, we are part of a prestigious network of companies driving advancements and setting industry standards.
  2. Networking Opportunities: Our partnership with Amaplast provides invaluable networking opportunities, allowing us to connect with fellow industry leaders, exchange knowledge, and explore potential collaborations.
  3. Access to Research: As a member of Amaplast, we gain access to a wealth of resources that empower us to stay competitive, adapt to market dynamics, and continue delivering cutting-edge solutions to our clients.

Benefits of our Partnership

  • Enhanced Credibility
  • Continuous learning
  • Global Reach

Benefits of our Partnership

  • Enhanced Credibility
  • Continuous learning
  • Global Reach
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